Binary to Hex Converter – Arihantlab

Binary to Hex Converter

Catalogue No: 1100238

Binary To HEX Converter is useful to study the conversion of 4 digit binary value (0000-1111) into hex value (0-9, A-F). Four toggle switches are provided on the front panel for the input of binary code. A 2.3 inch single digit FND is provided to display the relevant results corresponding to the combinations of toggle switches. Supplied with power adaptor of 5V, 1A.
* Binary to Hex Converter

Pack of (Pcs): 1

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Binary To HEX Converter is useful to study the conversion of 4 digit binary value (0000-1111) into hex value (0-9, A-F). Four toggle switches are provided on the front panel for the input of binary code. A 2.3 inch single digit FND is provided to display the relevant results corresponding to the combinations of toggle switches. Supplied with power adaptor of 5V, 1A.
* Binary to Hex Converter

SKU: 1100238 Categories: ,
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