Binary to Decimal Converter – Arihantlab

Binary to Decimal Converter

Catalogue No: 1100228

Binary To Decimal Converter is useful to study the conversion of 10 digit binary value (0000000000 to 1111111111) into decimal value (0000- 1023). Ten toggle switches are provided on the front panel for the input of binary code. Four digit FND is provided to display the relevant results corresponding to the combinations of toggle switches. Supplied with power adaptor of 5V, 1 Amp.
* Binary To Decimal Converter

Pack of (Pcs): 1

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Binary To Decimal Converter is useful to study the conversion of 10 digit binary value (0000000000 to 1111111111) into decimal value (0000- 1023). Ten toggle switches are provided on the front panel for the input of binary code. Four digit FND is provided to display the relevant results corresponding to the combinations of toggle switches. Supplied with power adaptor of 5V, 1 Amp.
* Binary To Decimal Converter

SKU: 1100228 Categories: ,
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